Latest Edition: Autumn 2023
Fall greetings to all. The long, hot Florida summer is finally over and temperatures have begun to moderate. Now, if we can just dodge any late season hurricanes, all will be good weather wise.
Preparations for the reunion are progressing nicely. As you may have heard, the reunion attendee list is in excess of ninety folks. Due to the number of attendees, we have added a second bus each day (airshow and museum visits). Hopefully, the bus drop off point will be close to the flight line. We have rented folding chairs for the airshow which will be distributed at our debarkation point. Upon arrival at the Holiday Inn we ask that you proceed to the ready room for registration and name tags (yes, we made the lettering senior size). It should be a good time and I am looking forward to seeing you all.
The squadron 80th birthday party was held earlier this month. Our FOFA representative was Greg Peairs and he was able to present the Ltjg Harry D. Jones award to LT. Claire Clark. At the most recent Tailhook reunion, LT. Clark was also awarded the West Coast junior tailhooker of the year. Bravo Zulu, LT. Clark!